
BankUp’s budgeting feature allows users to add, edit and delete expense items from a budget, as well as to adjust their income.

The Problem:

The user needs a financial planning feature to the BankUp web app to plan and manage savings and budgets.

The Goal:

To design and implement a financial planning feature that allows users to track their income and expenditures, and manage their budget(s).

Tools Used:


  • Figma

  • Bootstrap

  • Google Meet

  • Miro

  • Trello


UX/UI Designer


2 week agile scrum

User Flow

I used the user persona to create a user flow to better understand how the user would use the application feature. The user flow acted as a guide to create the initial low-fidelity wireframes.

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

I sketched out an initial design, beginning with mobile frames. I initially included some details that wouldn’t have made sense to program, like the hamburger menu and the month filter (since we didn’t have the rest of the site), and forgot some features that were added later, such as a button to delete expense items.

High-Fidelity Wireframes

Based on Hossnieh’s suggestions, I deleted the month filtering feature and added a way to easily edit and delete expense items.

Quality Assurance Testing

Hossnieh constructed the website on Github and conducted multiple QA tests. She had to make a few changes, providing an option to add decimals behind whole numbers ($3.50 rather than $3.00 or $4.00), and for the website to start with a blank slate.



As this was our first experience working collaboratively, we ran into a few challenges as far as understanding how long tasks would take and arranging our tasks such that we were both always working on something and not needing to wait for the other person.

What went well:

It was a short and fairly straightforward project, so we were able to be flexible with each task. For example, a couple of days, I needed to revamp all the wireframes within a couple of hours and was able to because of a flexible schedule and an understanding project partner




Tribal-iii Visual Artist Portfolio